How dinner is made

It's cooked in the inbetweens.

In between
climbing flights of stairs, simply because my son wants to climb
Peel the onion
Chop then stop and heed
invitations from my daughter to 'come and see this'
her latest acrobatics in the garden.

In between
Playing dominoes,
Finding keys
oil in the pan
heat on
soffrito sizzle

In between
blowing up balloons
opening cups then closing them again
and again and again
resolving sibling disputes over a fishing net
wondering what on earth my son is eating now?
Bottle cap - choking hazard,
Please don't let him die.
It's out, he's fine.
Pop the chopped aubergine in the pan.

In between
kitchen dance parties with the Lumineers
to lift our spirits one more time
while missing the postman because we
didn't hear the doorbell chime.
Add the tomatoes, sizzle and stir.
Get the blade for the blender out.

In between
deciphering toddler screeches
and dishing out snacks at 4.50
wondering what in the world has happened to me?
I never thought that I would be
handing out snaps when dinner's coming shortly.
Aubergine balls rolled,
gymnastics displays watched again,
son prevented from choking on a small wooden figure,
blitz the breadcrumbs.
Stop to console daughter who changed her mind
about having bare feet outside,
as good a reason as any to have a little cry.
Chop, chop, chop, sizzle & fry.
Tiny progress.

Rethink my whole plan
Pop a frozen quiche in the oven because I don't even like aubergine.
