Meal Plan #4

Hello and Happy Monday! You know how there are those phrases like 'creativity breeds creativity' and 'sleep begets sleep'? I am wondering if there is something similar to go along with thinking about food more deliberately resulting in more meal ideas? Completely uneloquent, I know, but I am sure you catch my drift. My point being, as I write this, it is Thursday 9th February and I have already written the meal plan for next week, rather than waiting until Sunday, or half an hour before I go to the supermarket on Monday. I don't think this has ever happened before. Here's the plan for this week:

Dining with The King's
Monday: Sausage Casserole
Tuesday: Takeaway (Perhaps this is a cop out to put on a meal plan, but there we go. Once a month when my in laws come to stay, we have a takeaway curry, and that's happening this week. Such a treat!)
Wednesday: Feta Fritters with rainbow salad, sweet potato fries and pitta bread
Thursday: Chicken Pot Pie (similar to this one but without the lima beans and with extra veg)
Friday: Bean Burgers with homemade red cabbage coleslaw (shredded cabbage, grated carrot & red onion mixed with creme fraiche)
