The 52 Project: 47/52

'A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week in 2014.'

Dear Ruby,
When I think back on what this last week has been like, my presiding memory is of our kitchen floor being covered in tupperware boxes. You are very adept at opening cupboard doors and emptying everything within your reach out onto the floor. At the Doctor's surgery this week, you cleared all visible surfaces of books and papers, much to the amusement of the other patients in the waiting room. You continue to climb as much as possible - up ladders, over your friends, under and over tables, into cupboards, here, there and everywhere! This week is your last week of being less than one year old. Here's to a week of reminiscing the anticipation your Dad and I were experiencing this time last year as we awaited your arrival, and looking forward to celebrating your first birthday at the end of the week.

With all my love,
Mama xxx
