story time

Towards the end of last year, we had a conversation with our good friends Tim & Becky, where they discovered that neither John nor I had ever read the entire Chronicles of Narnia. To rectify this, they bought us a beautiful box set of the Chronicles for Christmas.

We devoured the first book, The Magician's nephew in about two sittings, then started on The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. This book is taking us a little longer to read, mostly because of my ability to fall asleep in a matter of minutes, no matter how exciting the book (or film, or company...) I look forward to this reading time together, even if I am not so good at staying awake for much of it! Last night we settled in with Rolo's in one hand (John) and wine in the other (Hannah) for another little snippet of C.S Lewis' brilliance.

Even Moses, our adopted hamster, joined in. He's far better at staying awake than I am, so at least John had some company once I had drifted off to dreamland.
