thinking about fair trade...

Sorry for the lack of blogging - one thing I didn't think about when I signed up to NaBloPoMo was that I wouldn't be able to blog while I was away on training in Wimbledon, as has been the case this week.

It was a good time, as is always the case, with some quality teaching. I usually come back from training feeling refreshed, as it gives me the rare opportunities to get a good night's sleep - I had 10.5 hours on Wednesday night.

On the journey home, we got to talking about fair trade - Adam said how he actively avoids buying fair trade because it's not 'fair' and you're giving money to a corporation. I'm not quite sure that I understand this logic, as surely it's better to be giving your money to a corporation that is paying their workers a fairer wage than other corporations...As we were discussing this and I was trying to put across the benefits of buying locally, I got a bit lost, and ended up thinking that this - buying ethically, the impact what we buy and where from has on the environment, businesses and people - is something that I really would like to be more knowledgable about. If anyone would like to share any information with me about any of these things, I would greatly appreciate it - I will of course also make my own efforts to find out more. For anyone who is interested in these issues, I came across the 100 mile diet recently, which I like the idea of...

Photo: Taken by the road on the way to the local shops...


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